The Pentagon:
1. Positive Statement:
The positive thing that stood out to me the most was the growth in my base knowledge. Being in karate for a multitude of years, my knowledge is escalated pretty high when it comes to my topic, and the constant research has taught me a collection of things that I still have yet to learn.
2. EQ Content:
The article "Mental Power Training for Karate: Controlling Your Self-Image" by Jesse Enkamp was by far the piece of research that benefited me the most. It goes directly into what I wanted to further my karate knowledge about and it strictly goes into detail about the "mental behind the physical" aspect of karate from an almost motivational speaker standpoint. It mitigated my understanding majority because the way it was written spoke directly to the reader on how to improve themselves. As I read, it gradually become something that I found extremely helpful.
3. What has worked for you so far?
Prevalent things have worked so far, but the most distinguishable technique that has helped me is the one I'm going to discuss. One major thing that helped was uncovering articles that actually held my interest, because that in turn constituted me to understand my research. This continued the process and since I understood my research it has, in my opinion, been of adequate assistance.
Another artifice that has worked in my advantage is the ability to find good research and project exactly what I want to find into the search engines and the internet in general and identify sterling quantities of research. So it greatly assists with the WB and putting that in due process, the WB helps with the senior topic.
4. What hasn't worked so far?
A drawback to having many commodities in my favor, is that it goes both ways. One of the things that have lead to my recent struggle is my inability to prioritize checking the blog. Since a preponderance of the assignments are posted on the blog, it's easy to see as to why this can lead to my downfall.
5. Finding Value:
A) 1. What is more important in karate physical or mental training?
2. What are some other ways to get mentorship hours on karate other than teaching?
B) My goal by the end of this senior project is to have the capability to break karate down to a science to better myself as a competitor and teach students more efficiently. By karate I'm referring to the mentality behind the fighting, because it is one of the substantial places in karate in which many people make crucial errors and form bad habits, and if this senior project can help me prevent that from the source then, regardless of my grade, I will feel accomplished and successful.
C) I would like to interview Mike Kao because when it comes to fighting, he's is one of the best I've ever met. To me it seems like he knows virtually everything there is to know about my topic and would be by far one of the best people to interview. Unfortunately he is not on a consistent schedule that constantly fluctuates, so it may be hard to sneak an interview in with him.
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